There exists much hidden African history. How many facts about ancient Africa do you know? Here is a list of 10 African history truths and facts!
There is a lack of information about African history, but we know that people want to read interesting facts about ancient Africa. This site loves black history truths and black history facts not taught in school and such places must be found somewhere, right! *wink*
In this article you will see *must-read**African history truths. These are 10 facts about ancient Africa in a list, of course accompanied by beautiful historical African images!
After reading and learning about these facts about black history you will not only have stocked up on 10 interesting facts about Africa but you will be better informed and hopefully inspired to read on more!
Taarifa means information in Kiswahili, at the foot of each image is a section headed “Taarifa” containing pertinent information relating to the image. Enjoy these black history facts for kids and adults alike!
10 Eye-Opening African History Truths & Facts
1. Africa has some of the Oldest Cave Art in the World

Cave art is to some of the earliest art forms in human history. What a joy it is to be able to admire age-old art!
There is a multitude of cave art dating back thousands of years, and many are found in Africa. The oldest known rock painting, aged 73,000 years, was found at Blombos Cave in South Africa.
In Namibia, the Apollo 11 Cave contains paintings estimated to be over 26,000 years old. Various cave paintings, engravings and art can be discovered throughout the continent of Africa, like in the Sahara desert!
Location: Laas Geel, Hargeisa, Somaliland
Time Period: c. 3000 B.C.
2. Benin Bronze Sculptures are Irreplicable

The Kingdom of Benin created a large impression on the world. And despite the Kingdom’s end, its art has long outlived it.
What is a secret fact about Africa is its magnificent artistry, across the continent and throughout ages. Art originating from the Kingdom of Benin is particularly impressive, artists belonging to that period in time created a vast amount of spectacular art, most notably Benin Bronzes, that today contribute to some of the most admirable and irreplicable sculptures.
For more untold black history facts click here to read what critics have to say about Benin Bronzes (in relation to Benvenuto Cellini) and more! in: 7 Treasured Medieval and Ancient African Art History Objects Found *Across* The Continent of Africa.
Current Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, “the MET”, New York, United States
Country/Region of Origin: Kingdom of Benin, present-day Nigeria
Time Period: 16th century
3. Togunas are in a Class of their Own

In Dogon culture, togunas are a central part of society. These low buildings primarily serve as shelters from the midday sun and for resting, but they also serve as spaces where important discussions and at some time judiciary courts take place. The interesting fact about togunas is that they are built with low roofs to prevent violence. So whenever heated discussions arise, all occupants have no choice but to remain in a seated position.
Do you think that togunas should be used universally, let say in your community?
Read 23 Ancient African Houses and Structures to see another toguna and other little known African buildings by clicking here.
Location: Sangha, Mali
Year: 2006
4. Some Ksars in Africa are so Old that their Age is a Mystery

Did you know that north western Africa is known for history and its architecture too? At one time, the Sahel Region was a place full of grand architecture made up of ksars, housing various peoples. A ksar, is an Arabic term meaning castle or palaces. Ksars are found primarily through West and Nothern Africa.
The Sahara desert is home to a plethora of Ksars. The Djado Plateau, today a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is filled with such ancient towns and forts.
Location: Djado Plateau, Niger
Date: 24 October 1989
5. Ancient African Kingdoms Still Exist

There have been kingdoms in Africa ever since humankind has been ruled by kingdoms. To delve a bit deeper in this subject of African history click here to read A Brief History of Africa.
Today there exists three ruling monarchies in Africa: the kingdoms of Eswatini, Morocco and Lesotho. However, many non-sovereign monarchies have kept on, taking part in select practices and ceremonies, like the Ondonga of Namibia and the Damagaram of Niger.
Location: Buganda, Uganda
Date: 13 July 2018
6. The Ashanti Empire Owned Sooooo Much Gold

The Ashanti Kingdom is another one of African Kingdoms still in existence. There was a time when the Asanti kingdom was a great a powerful player in trade, the gold trade in particular. Today, the Ashanti kingdom is located in the Republic of Ghana.
Odumata’s Quarters is an example of the lavish lifestyle of certain royal women and men in the Ashanti Kingdom. His room was decorated with gold and silver while some kings had gold staircases leading to their bed, not to talk about gold sandals!
Current Location: The Bata Shoe Museum, Toronto, Canada
Country/Region of Origin: Ghana
Time Period: 20th century
RELATED to “10 Eye-Opening African History Truths and Facts”:
These are 23 Little-Known Ancient African Houses and Structures. Which ones do you recognize?
7. The Second Oldest Minaret Still in Use is in Africa

A minaret is a tower used by islamic populations to pray. From the top of a minaret a muezzin calls Muslims to prayer. These structures are generally beside mosques. Found near the minaret pictured above is the equally historic Chinguetti Mosque.
Both the minaret and the mosque of Chinguetti are considered national emblems of Mauritania. Today structures in the region of Chinguetti are at a massive risk of destruction due to desertification.
Current Location: Chinguetti, Mauritania
Time Period: 13th-14th century
8. Christianity was in Africa Before Colonialism

Christianity has never been confined to a particular region or territory. Since its start, Christians have been found around the world. And as humanity evolved, Christian communities have both expanded or disappeared. It is almost hidden African history that the continent contained Christian populations long before colonialism. One such place is the currently predominantly islamic state of Sudan that once was a great Christian Kingdom.
Current Location: The British Museum, London, United Kingdom
Country/Region of Origin: Faras, Lower Nubia, Sudan
Time Period: 4th century AD
9. Mansa Musa was the Richest Person Ever

One of the most popular black history facts is how (one of) the richest people in the known history of humanity was Mansa Musa.
Mansa Musa was the ruler of the Mali Empire for almost three decades during the empire’s most important period in history. Mansa is a word for a hereditary ruler, or king. Till this day Musa is recognized for his immense wealth.
The caption found on the World Atlas pictured above:
“This black Lord is called Musse Melly and is the sovereign of the land of the black people of Gineva (Ghana). This king is the richest and noblest of all these lands due to the abundance of gold that is extracted from his lands.” –
Location: The Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France
Country/Region of Origin (of the Mali Empire): Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania, the Gambia, and Mali
Year (mappa mundi): 1375
10. Queen Nzinga Ruled Over Two Kingdoms

Having ruled over the Ambundu Kingdoms of Ndongo (1624–1663) and Matamba (1631–1663), Queen Nzinga was, and still is, a remarkable example of a strong, courageous and persistent leader. She ruled over what is now the country of Angola in the 15th century during a critical time in the territory’s history: Portugual’s presence in modern-day Angola.
Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba was an impressive woman, even leading armies in combat well into her 60s. She had a huge impact in the then-ongoing transatlantic slave trade people.
Current Location: National Portrait Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Country/Region of Origin (of Queen Nzinga): Angola
Time Period: 1830s
[…] Did you know that Queen Nzinga reigned over 2 kingdoms? Click here to read about it in: 10 African H… […]